Conquering the passions

BROTHER: How can I conquer the passions which trouble me when they are fixed in me by nature?
OLD MAN: By your death to this world; for if you do not bury your soul in the grave of persistent endurance the spiritual Adam can never be quickened in you. When a dying man has departed from this temporary life he has no consciousness of this world, and all his perceptions are at rest and are abated. Now if you forsake that which is of nature naturally, and you do not perform it voluntarily in your person, you are dead; but if your desire dies in repentance, the whole of your nature ceases from this temporary life by the death of the spirit just as do the motions of the body at the natural end of time.
E. A. Wallis Budge, "The Paradise of the Holy Fathers," Seattle, St. Nectarios Press


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