Twitter: Social Media for the Sophisticated User? Twitter: Social Media for the Sophisticated User?: "More than one-third of Americans are now regularly using social networks. Facebook users are older than Twitterers. Women are more active than men in social networking. Men have more friends than women do. Those are just a few of the findings from a recent study by market-research consultancy Anderson Analytics focusing on the role played by Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Twitter in the lives of 5,000 social media users in the United States."

While the report extrapolates from its findings that 110 million people in the U.S. are "regular users of social networking sites," those under the age of 35 continue to represent the majority, with 67 million regular users. (Anderson Analytics defines "regular users" as those who have logged onto the site at least once in the past 30 days. Statistics on "unique visitors," explains Tom Anderson, managing partner of Anderson Analytics, are often inflated.)

The report went in depth to determine the demographic breakdown and motivations for users of each of the four social networks. The average age of each network's users, in descending order, were as follows:

  • LinkedIn: 36 years old;
  • Facebook: 34 years old;
  • Twitter: 33 years old; and
  • MySpace: 29 years old.


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