Prayer for Those Who Are Abused
Prayer for Those Who Are Abused
Lord Jesus Christ, our True God, You dwell in the highest and You care for
the humble. You search the reins and the heart and clearly discern the most
hidden things of men. Light from eternity, You are the ever-existing One,
with You there is no shadow that veils nor hidden thing that Your Light
cannot pierce.
Come, O King Immortal and gently touch those who have been abused by
parents, teachers, clergy, or others in authority over them. Deep within so
many of Your brothers and sisters are the scars, the running sores, the rot
left behind by memories of the experiences they have had at the hands of
others. Some are wounded so deeply that they cannot love, they cannot feel,
they cannot live except with a hard shell around them that cuts others off
and seals them into the tomb of hopelessness and pain that feeds on itself
and slowly destroys the capacity to receive Your grace.
Lord, gently touch Your sons and daughters through us. Help us to reach out
and to be so open and unconditionally accepting that the shells may be
broken, the hurt may begin to be salved, and Your servants-our brothers and
sisters in the human family-may begin to heal. Help us, Your servants, to be
the Good Samaritan to our hurting brothers and sisters. Let us be gentle,
but not intrusive; help us to know when to speak to and when to just BE
there for them.
Help us understand that sometimes Your broken servants need us to take two
steps back when we think we should push ahead two steps, even when we think
that push is gentle. Help us to understand that sometimes a hug is worth an
hour of speaking. Help us to understand that sensitivity to the hurt is the
first step and that we are probing psychological and spiritual wounds that
are just as real as physical wounds.
Help us to understand that prayer for Your suffering servants is always the
right way because it is You Who will heal, even when it seems that we are so
great a part in that healing. Help us also to understand that we may not
know ourselves what our brothers and sisters need and to be open to letting
You give us direction by the Holy Spirit.
Lord, You have allowed Your servants to be cast down. Raise them up by Your
healing. You have allowed them to be struck and wounded deeply. Heal them by
Your power, always gentle to those who are hurting. If You send the Holy
Spirit to work through us, let Him give us what You know your suffering
servants need.
Lord, we are all wounded by events and people on our pilgrim journey. Some
of us are hurt more than others. Help us to be like Simon of Cyrene to those
we see around us who are hurting. Through the prayers of the Mother of God,
of the intercessions of the Holy Apostles, saints, martyrs, patriarchs,
confessors, and other blessed spirits whom You have gathered into Your
Kingdom, and of the intercessions of all the Holy Angels, Lord, hear our
prayers on behalf of Your suffering servants, our brothers and sisters in
You and in the whole human family. Amen.
posted anonymously to the Orthodox Forum yahoo group 10-17-09